Journal of hydrological processes
Journal of hydrological processes

journal of hydrological processes

Contribution of anecic earthworms to biopore formation during cultivation of perennial ley crops. Root-rhizosphere-soil interactions in biopores. activity in root-formed biopores increases nutrient availability, microbial biomass and enzyme activity. Three-dimensional quantification of intra-aggregate pore-space features using synchrotron-radiation-based microtomography. Interactions and self-organization in the soil-microbe complex. Global environmental changes impact soil hydraulic functions through biophysical feedbacks. Hydrological partitioning in the critical zone: Recent advances and opportunities for developing transferable understanding of water cycle dynamics. Earth’s Critical Zone and hydropedology: concepts, characteristics, and advances. Hydropedology as a powerful tool for environmental policy research. Hydropedology: Synergistic integration of pedology and hydrology. Infiltration from the pedon to global grid scales: An overview and outlook for land surface modeling. Large influence of soil moisture on long-term terrestrial carbon uptake. Interactions between biogeochemistry and hydrologic systems. Investigating soil moisture-climate interactions in a changing climate: A review. Changing climate shifts timing of European floods. Role of soil moisture feedback in the development of extreme summer drought and flood in the United States. Recent decline in the global land evapotranspiration trend due to limited moisture supply. Anthropogenic climate change has slowed global agricultural productivity growth. Projected drought risk in 1.5☌ and 2☌ warmer climates. Future flood losses in major coastal cities. These advances, in tandem with the inclusion of more key soil types and properties in models, will be pivotal in predicting the role of SHP during global change.Ĭoumou, D. Emerging technologies such as wireless and automated sensing, soil moisture observation through novel synthetic aperture radars satellites, big data analysis and machine learning approaches offer unique opportunities to advance soil hydrology. Regionally, SHP are impacted by extreme events such as droughts, floods, heatwaves and land-use change however, antecedent and current SHP partially determine the broader effects of extreme events.

journal of hydrological processes

On local scales, SHP are driven by root water uptake, vegetation and groundwater dynamics. Soil structure influences SHP such as infiltration, soil water redistribution and root water uptake on small scales. In this Review, we describe SHP across scales and examine their links with soil properties, ecosystem processes and climate. However, land-use changes and extreme events are increasingly impacting these processes. Soil hydrological processes (SHP) support ecosystems, modulate the impact of climate change on terrestrial systems and control feedback mechanisms between water, energy and biogeochemical cycles. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment volume 3, pages 573–587 ( 2022) Cite this article

Journal of hydrological processes